We all have ideas. Sometimes we just don’t know if they’re good or bad ideas.
Sometimes we don’t even care if anyone else thinks they’re good or bad - validation soapbox be damned.
But, sometimes, when it’s this easy to build, you just can’t say no.
Sure, I could have spent my time elsewhere. But, I’m not just an entrepreneur. I also like building things and playing with new digital toys, just because I can.
This is one of those stories. The story of spicytake.xyz.
The problem with content
I like to write. But, when my brain is stuck, it’s hard sometimes to come up with new, fresh ideas.
When creating content gets difficult, I start looking around at inspirational sources.
It could be business books, philosophy, or even how nature works or a strange academic paper that was published 70 years ago.
Whatever the case, I like collecting that info.
Unfortunately, collecting resources doesn’t solve the blank screen problem we all stare at sometime.
What if….
But, what if we could take some inspiring YouTube video transcript, or that academic paper, or that blog post that really got you thinking… and instead of just summarizing it, created a super short social media post (no, I won’t call it an “x post” or whatever)?
I mean, like really really short.
What if we could take the insights from those posts and generate some spicy take 🌶️?
That just might get the juices flowing.
In fact, it did. And does. Often.
And if it could do it for me, it could do it for others.
Enter: Lovable
Now, there was a day, not too long ago, where I built a startup in a weekend using actual code I wrote myself.
But, there’s this new AI thing going around. Perhaps you’ve heard of it.
I have used AI tools to help me code for quite some time. But, this time I wanted to crank this sucker out as fast as possible. I didn’t want to spend too much time on it. I mean, I preach time prioritization all the time. I can’t go back on it now.
So, I fired up Lovable.dev and gave it a whirl.
Within a couple hours, I had the base functionality written and working.
By the end of the next day, I had history, login, and even an API built.
Sure, I could have done this using code myself. But, I was doing this between time with my kids, snowboarding, and client work.
The switching costs alone would have made this almost impossible.
Then, the roadblock
The only thing I didn’t have working was the Billing section. For some reason, Loveable really couldn’t figure out the Stripe setup.
Shortcut to about 8 hours of trying 3 different AI coding tools to get it to work, and I just realized it wasn’t necessary.
I took my own advice, and shipped it at midnight, without billing.
Because who knows if anyone is going to care.
If they do, then maybe I’ll add it back in. But until then, I’ve done zero validation work to see if people want it.
I’ll probably put close to zero marketing effort into it too.
So, why add billing when I might be the only person who uses it? Psssh.
*slaps big red button*
What’s next?
Well, if you want to give it a try, go for it. It’s open to use for free anonymously.
Registering for an account is only required if you want:
to see your history and have access to old URLs and posts generated
to get an API key to generate them programmatically
Now, here’s where you might ask…
Nate, why would anyone want to do this programmatically?
Well, if you’re like me, and you generate content all the time, it might be nice to automate the generation of some tweets, Bluesky posts, and/or LinkedIn carousels based off the insights you write about.
That’s all. It’s late. I’m done.
Go. Be fruitful and multiply (your content).
Now, if you’re a founder who needs help figuring out why your churn is so high, why your leads aren’t buying, or why your ads aren’t working, I’m here for you…